\version "2.24.0" %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% version Y/M/D = 2022/12/28 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% LSR = http://lsr.di.unimi.it/LSR/Item?id=769 %% last changes : %% - tuplets have now a duration . fix line 92-93 and 179 %% - fix a typo line 44 : (set! (cons...) => (set! res (cons ...) %% - fix a bug for \notCopyArticulations and q chords (has-notes? must %% be called) #(use-modules (ice-9 receive)) %% for the use of receive #(define skipCurrentArticulationTag (gensym)) #(define notCopyArticulationsTag (gensym)) #(define (defined-music? music) (not (eq? 'Music (ly:music-property music 'name)))) #(define (name-of music) (ly:music-property music 'name)) #(define (noteEvent? music) (eq? (name-of music) 'NoteEvent)) #(define (has-notes? music) "Return the first note of music or false if there is not at least one note" (or (and (noteEvent? music) music) (let ((e (ly:music-property music 'element))) (and (ly:music? e) (has-notes? e))) (any has-notes? (ly:music-property music 'elements '())))) #(define (make-arti-list pattern) "Make a list of articulations " (let ((res '())) ; the list to fill (for-some-music ; see music-functions.scm (lambda (evt) (case (name-of evt) ((EventChord) (receive (notes others) (partition noteEvent? (ly:music-property evt 'elements)) (if (pair? notes)(set! res (cons others res))) ; keeps not-note-events res)) ; stop process ((NoteEvent) (set! res (cons (ly:music-property evt 'articulations) res)) res) (else #f))) pattern) (reverse res))) %% use (ly:music-deep-copy music) for a direct use of copy-articulations #(define (copy-articulations pattern music) "Copy articulations of `pattern recursively in each notes of music." (if (not (has-notes? pattern)) ; avoid endless loops ... music (let* ((new-arti (make-arti-list pattern)) (pointer-list new-arti) (current-arti (lambda () (let ((res (car pointer-list))) (set! pointer-list (cdr pointer-list)) (if (null? pointer-list)(set! pointer-list new-arti)) res)))) (music-filter defined-music? ; deletes all (make-music 'Music) (map-some-music ; see music-functions.scm (lambda(evt) (let ((tags (ly:music-property evt 'tags))) (cond ((memq skipCurrentArticulationTag tags); yes => evt = <> (current-arti) ; ignores return (make-music 'Music)) ; will be deleted... ((memq notCopyArticulationsTag tags) (ly:music-set-property! evt 'tags ; just remove the tag (delq notCopyArticulationsTag tags)) evt) ((noteEvent? evt) (let ((arti (ly:music-property evt 'articulations))) (ly:music-set-property! evt 'articulations (append arti (current-arti))) evt)) ((eq? 'EventChord (name-of evt)) (let ((elts (ly:music-property evt 'elements))) (and (pair? (filter noteEvent? elts)) (begin (ly:music-set-property! evt 'elements (append elts (current-arti))) evt)))) ;(else (and (ly:music-property evt 'duration #f) ; tuplets now can have ; evt))))) ; a duration ! (else #f)))) ; continue loop (expand-repeat-chords! (list 'rhythmic-event) music)))))) copyArticulations = #(define-music-function (pattern music) (ly:music? ly:music?) "Copy articulations of `pattern recursively in each notes of music." (copy-articulations pattern music)) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% enhancement functions, working inside the music parameter %% of \copyArticulations %%%%%%% notCopyArticulations = #(define-music-function (music)(ly:music?) "Add a special tag in 'tags of all notes and chords, that will forbid articulations to be copied to these events." (map-some-music (lambda(evt) (cond ((memq (name-of evt) '(NoteEvent EventChord)) (ly:music-set-property! evt 'tags (cons notCopyArticulationsTag (ly:music-property evt 'tags))) evt) (else #f))) ; go deeper music)) skipArti = \tag #skipCurrentArticulationTag <> nSkipArti = #(define-music-function (n)(integer?) "Return \\skipArti \\skipArti \\skipArti ... n times." (if (< n 2) skipArti (make-sequential-music (make-list n skipArti)))) #(define (skip-tied-notes mus) (let ((prev-was-tied #f)) (map-some-music (lambda(evt) (let ((name (name-of evt))) (cond ((or (eq? name 'NoteEvent) (and (eq? name 'EventChord) (has-notes? evt))) (if prev-was-tied (ly:music-set-property! evt 'tags (cons notCopyArticulationsTag (ly:music-property evt 'tags)))) (map-some-music (lambda(x) (set! prev-was-tied (and (eq? (name-of x) 'TieEvent) x)) prev-was-tied) ; stop if true evt)) (else #f)))) (expand-repeat-chords! (list 'rhythmic-event) mus)))) skipTiedNotes = #(define-music-function (music)(ly:music?) "Add a special tag in 'tags of second tied notes to forbid articulations to be copied." (skip-tied-notes music)) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% adding bracket to chords %% %% \copyArticulations { c\arpeggio } { \arpeggioBracket \music } works well, %% but we want brackets only to chords with at least 2 notes (not to notes alone), and not to tied %% chords. So we need a special function. #(define (add-arp mus) (map-some-music (lambda(evt) (let ((tags (ly:music-property evt 'tags))) (cond ((memq notCopyArticulationsTag tags) (ly:music-set-property! evt 'tags ; just remove the tag (delq notCopyArticulationsTag tags)) evt) ((eq? 'EventChord (name-of evt)) (let ((ees (ly:music-property evt 'elements))) (if (let loop ((n 0) ;; takes chords with at least 2 notes (notes ees)) (or (> n 1) (and (pair? notes) (loop (if (eq? 'NoteEvent (name-of (car notes))) (1+ n) n) (cdr notes))))) (ly:music-set-property! evt 'elements (append ees (list (make-music 'ArpeggioEvent))))) evt)) ;(else (and (ly:music-property evt 'duration #f) evt))))) (else #f)))) mus)) #(define (braketify-chords mus) ;; this scheme function is used in "arranger.ly" #{ \arpeggioBracket $(add-arp (skip-tied-notes mus)) #}) braketifyChords = #(define-music-function (music) (ly:music?) "Adds brackets to chords with at least 2 notes." (braketify-chords music)) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% shortcuts %% note = #(make-music 'NoteEvent 'duration (ly:make-duration 2) ; independant language note 'pitch (ly:make-pitch 0 0)) artiI = { \note-. } % default values for artiI and artiII, if the user does not define artiII = { \note( \note) \note-. \note-. } % them, before using \cAI and \cAII cAI = #(define-music-function (music) (ly:music?) #{ \copyArticulations \artiI $music #}) cAII = #(define-music-function (music) (ly:music?) #{ \copyArticulations \artiII $music #}) #(define cA copyArticulations) #(define notCA notCopyArticulations)